9 Effective IELTS Listening Practice Techniques For Beginners

IELTS Listening Practice Techniques For Beginners – Listening in the IELTS exam isn’t just about hearing; it’s about understanding spoken English in various situations. Imagine listening to different accents, following conversations, and then answering questions about them. In this blog, we’ll explore the nuances of the IELTS Listening section, from understanding the test format to tackling different question types.

Moreover, also explore the fundamentals of listening skills, band score calculations, and effective practice techniques designed especially for beginners. Whether it’s deciphering different accents or enhancing note-taking abilities, we’ve got you covered. Join us on this journey to equip yourself with the essential strategies needed to ace the IELTS Listening test. Stay tuned with us to know IELTS listening practice techniques for beginners in detail.

What Is Listening In IELTS?

Listening in IELTS means hearing and understanding English conversations, talks, or speeches. It’s about how well you can catch what people are saying in English. In the test, you listen to recordings and answer questions based on what you hear. It’s like having a chat or hearing a story, and then answering questions about it.

During the test, you hear different voices and accents, like British, American, or Australian. The goal is to understand what they’re saying even if they speak fast or have different styles. You might hear people talking about daily things like shopping or more serious topics like science or history. Listening in IELTS is about understanding spoken English in different situations.

How To Calculate IELTS Listening Band Score?

Here’s a simplified table on how the IELTS Listening band scores are figured out:

Correct AnswersBand Score

This table shows the number of correct answers you need in the IELTS Listening test to get a particular band score. The more correct answers, the higher your band score!

Types Of Questions In The IELTS Listening Test

Here are some types of questions in the IELTS listening test:

1. Multiple Choice Questions

In the IELTS Listening test, you might encounter multiple-choice questions. These questions offer different options, and you have to choose the correct one. They can be tricky, so pay close attention to details in the audio.

2. Fill in the Blanks

Another type is fill-in-the-blank questions. Here, you’ll need to complete sentences or phrases using the information you hear. Focus on the context to fill in the missing words accurately.

3. Matching Questions

Matching questions involve connecting information. You’ll often need to match items from different lists or categories based on what you hear in the audio. Be careful as options might be related but not exact matches.

Also Read: How To Improve Sentence Formation In IELTS 

4. True/False Questions

True/false questions test your ability to distinguish correct information. You’ll listen to statements and decide if they match what you hear in the recording. Precision is key here.

5. Diagram or Map Labelling

Sometimes, you might encounter questions where you have to label diagrams or maps based on the audio. This involves understanding directions or descriptions to accurately place labels. Focus on the spatial information provided in the audio.

Effective IELTS Listening Practice Techniques For Beginners

Here are some effective IELTS listening practice techniques for beginners:

1. Active Listening Sessions

Active listening sessions mean practicing really paying attention when you listen. You pick different things to listen to, like talks or interviews in English. The goal is to focus and understand the main ideas and important words. It helps to take notes about what you hear, like jotting down the most important stuff. You might need to listen again to catch all the details.

Doing this often helps you get better at understanding different accents and tricky information. It’s like training your brain to be really good at understanding what people are saying in English. And when you practice this a lot, it can make the IELTS Listening test much easier for you.

2. Accent Familiarization Drills

Active listening sessions mean practicing really paying attention when you listen. You pick different things to listen to, like talks or interviews in English. The goal is to focus and understand the main ideas and important words. It helps to take notes about what you hear, like jotting down the most important stuff. You might need to listen again to catch all the details. 

Doing this often helps you get better at understanding different accents and tricky information. It’s like training your brain to be really good at understanding what people are saying in English. And when you practice this a lot, it can make the IELTS Listening test much easier for you.

3. Audio Transcript Comparison

Audio transcript comparison involves listening to spoken content while following along with the written version of what’s being said. You listen to an audio recording and read the words at the same time. This helps you match the spoken words with their written form. It’s like connecting what you hear with what you see written down. By doing this, you can improve your understanding of how words are pronounced and how they look in writing. 

It’s a good way to catch new words or phrases you might not know. Comparing the audio with the transcript also helps with recognizing accents and getting better at understanding different speaking styles. This practice can boost your confidence for the IELTS Listening test by making it easier to catch words and follow along with the audio.

4. Vocabulary Integration Exercises

Vocabulary integration exercises are activities that help you bring new words into your English skills. These exercises focus on using and understanding words in different contexts. You practice incorporating new words into sentences or conversations. It’s like fitting puzzle pieces – you learn new words and find the right places to use them in sentences that make sense. 

Doing these exercises regularly helps you remember and understand words better. You might use flashcards, word games, or even just practicing with friends to make learning fun. By doing these exercises, you become more confident in using a wider range of words. This boosts your skills for the IELTS Listening test because you’ll understand more words when you hear them during the test.

5. Sequential Information Retention Practice

Sequential information retention practice involves getting better at remembering information in the order it’s given. It’s like keeping a story in the right order in your mind. During practice, you listen to or read something with a sequence of events or steps. Then, you work on remembering and noting down these steps or details in the same order. 

This practice helps sharpen your memory for the order of things, which is super useful for tasks where you need to follow instructions or understand processes step by step. By practicing this skill, you become more skilled at keeping things in the right sequence. This can be really helpful for the IELTS Listening test because sometimes you need to understand information in the order it’s given in the audio.

6. Note-taking Improvement Sessions

Note-taking improvement sessions focus on getting better at jotting down important information while you listen. These sessions teach techniques to capture key points quickly and effectively. You learn how to summarize main ideas, use abbreviations, and create a shorthand that makes sense to you. By practicing these methods during listening exercises, you enhance your ability to take organized and useful notes. 

This skill becomes handy during the IELTS Listening test where you need to listen carefully and remember crucial details. Improved note-taking helps you remember essential information and find answers easily when you review your notes. The more you practice these techniques, the more confident you’ll be in quickly noting down important points during the test.

7. Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress reduction techniques are methods to help calm your mind and body when you feel worried or anxious. These techniques aim to ease tension and make you feel more relaxed. They could include activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply taking a moment to focus on something positive. 

These techniques help by slowing down your racing thoughts and reducing the physical effects of stress, like a fast heartbeat or tense muscles. When preparing for the IELTS Listening test, using these techniques can be really helpful. They can help you stay calm and focused during the test, allowing you to concentrate better and perform at your best without feeling too stressed or nervous.

8. Time-Bound Listening Challenges

Time-bound listening challenges are tasks where you practice listening within a set time limit. These challenges involve listening to recordings or audios and answering questions or summarizing what you heard within a specific timeframe. By doing these exercises, you train yourself to listen attentively and efficiently under pressure. 

Setting a time limit pushes you to focus and extract essential information quickly. It helps improve your ability to manage time during the IELTS Listening test, where you have a fixed duration for each section. Regularly practicing these challenges not only enhances your listening skills but also sharpens your ability to pick out crucial details swiftly, which is crucial for success in the test where time is limited.

9. Simulated Test Environments

Simulated test environments recreate conditions similar to the actual test. These setups mimic the format, timing, and structure of the IELTS Listening test. By practicing in these simulated environments, you familiarize yourself with the test’s atmosphere and expectations. It involves taking practice tests under timed conditions, following the same instructions, and adhering to test rules. 

This practice helps reduce anxiety and builds confidence by making you comfortable with the test format. It allows you to identify areas for improvement and adapt to the pace required for each section. Working in such environments prepares you mentally and emotionally for the actual test, making the experience less daunting. The more you practice in simulated test conditions, the better equipped and less stressed you’ll feel when taking the real IELTS Listening test.

Also Read: Best IELTS Preparation Strategies For High Scores

Challenges Faced By Beginners In The IELTS Listening Test

For beginners, the IELTS Listening test can present several hurdles. Understanding accents, maintaining focus throughout the audio, and managing time effectively are common challenges faced.

  • Accents Variation: Diverse accents in the audio can be confusing initially. Listening to various accents, such as British, American, or Australian, requires exposure and practice to comprehend nuances and speech patterns effectively. Engaging with diverse accents through movies, podcasts, or conversations can aid in acclimating to these variations.
  • Speed of Speech: Fast-paced speech might make it hard to catch every detail. Familiarizing yourself with different speech speeds by listening to various audio materials at different tempos can enhance your ability to adapt. Practicing focused listening and identifying keywords rather than trying to grasp every word can improve comprehension.
  • Vocabulary Complexity: Unfamiliar words or terms can create difficulties in comprehension. Expanding your vocabulary through consistent reading, using vocabulary lists pertinent to the test, and practicing contextual understanding of words in sentences can bolster your comprehension skills.
  • Losing Track: Beginners might struggle to follow the sequence of information. Developing active listening skills by anticipating the flow of information and identifying transitions or key points in the audio can assist in maintaining the sequence. Training yourself to identify main ideas and supporting details aids in retaining the context.
  • Note-taking Skills: Effective note-taking during the audio can be challenging. Practice structured note-taking by summarizing main ideas, using abbreviations, or developing a shorthand method personalized to quickly jot down crucial information while listening.
  • Stress and Nervousness: Test anxiety may impact concentration and understanding. Employ relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization, to manage anxiety. Engaging in mock tests under timed conditions can also mitigate stress.
  • Time Management: Allocating time for reviewing answers can be tough for beginners. Practice time allocation during practice tests to ensure you have a buffer at the end for reviewing and modifying answers. Developing a strategy, like quickly answering easier questions first, can optimize time utilisation.


Understanding the IELTS Listening test requires practice, patience, and effective strategies. Understanding diverse accents, refining note-taking skills, and managing time efficiently are vital. By implementing the techniques explored here, such as active listening sessions and stress reduction methods, success in the test becomes achievable. 

In addition, keep practicing and using these tools to build confidence and excel in comprehending spoken English. With dedication and regular practice, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate through the challenges of the IELTS Listening test and achieve your desired band score.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can I get 8.5 in IELTS listening?

To achieve an 8.5 in IELTS Listening, focus on practicing regularly. Work on understanding various accents by listening to diverse English materials. Develop strong note-taking skills to catch key details. Also, pay attention to question types and practice time management during mock tests. Consistent practice, familiarity with accents, and efficient strategies can help reach the 8.5 band score.

Q2. What is the trick for listening in IELTS?

The trick for IELTS Listening lies in active engagement. Train yourself to listen for key information rather than trying to understand every word. Practice listening regularly to different accents and speech speeds. Develop note-taking techniques and concentrate on the main ideas. Additionally, managing time effectively during the test and practicing in simulated test conditions can significantly improve listening skills.


  • Stella Smith

    Meet Stella Smith, a passionate wordsmith with a knack for unraveling the intricacies of everyday life through her captivating blogs. With an insatiable curiosity and a keen eye for detail, Stella delves into everything from lifestyle trends to societal issues, weaving narratives that resonate with readers far and wide. Her unique perspective and engaging writing style invite readers to explore the world alongside her, fostering a sense of connection and understanding in every post. Join Stella on her journey of discovery, where every word is an invitation to see the world through a new lens.

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