9 Steps On How To Prepare For IELTS Speaking Part 2

9 Steps On How To Prepare For IELTS Speaking Part 2 – IELTS Speaking Part 2 is an essential section of the test that measures your ability to communicate effectively. This segment challenges you to speak for two minutes on a given topic. Imagine it as a friendly chat where you share stories or explain ideas.

During this part, you’ll receive a cue card with a topic and have a minute to prepare your talk. Then, it’s your time to shine, speaking confidently for the allotted duration. It’s not about reading from the card but expressing yourself naturally.

This blog aims to unravel the intricacies of Speaking Part 2, offering insights into preparation steps, evaluation criteria, common topics, and practical tips to enhance your performance. 

Stay tuned as we explore all the concepts in detail, providing you with the tools to ace this crucial section of the IELTS test. Let’s embark on this journey together to master IELTS Speaking Part 2!

What Is IELTS Speaking Part 2?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 is a section in the IELTS test where you have to talk about a topic for 2 minutes. First, the examiner gives you a cue card with a topic and some ideas. You have 1 minute to prepare your talk. Then, you speak for 2 minutes straight about that topic. The topic could be about a person, a place, an experience, or something similar.

During these 2 minutes, you need to talk without stopping. It’s like telling a story or explaining something to a friend. You can use the ideas on the cue card to guide your talk, but you should try to speak naturally and not just read from the card. This part checks your speaking skills, like how well you can express ideas, how good your vocabulary is, and how clear your speech is. It’s important to manage your time well and cover all the points on the card while speaking clearly and confidently.

Steps On How To Prepare For IELTS Speaking Part 2

Here are some steps on how to prepare for IELTS speaking part 2: 

1. Understand the Task

In the IELTS exam, understanding the task is crucial for success. Candidates must thoroughly comprehend the question requirements to provide accurate and relevant responses. This involves breaking down the task into its essential components, identifying key instructions, and recognizing the type of response needed—whether it’s an essay, a letter, or a report. 

Careful reading helps in determining the focus, format, and word limit. To excel, candidates should analyze the task prompt, highlight keywords, and plan their response structure before writing. Practice with various task types aids in becoming adept at interpreting and addressing them effectively. Ultimately, a clear understanding of the task ensures that responses are on topic, fulfill all criteria, and demonstrate the candidate’s language proficiency.

2. Practice Time Management

Effective time management is a pivotal skill in achieving productivity and success. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and allocating specific time slots for each activity. To practice time management, start by creating a schedule or to-do list, organizing tasks based on their importance and deadlines. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

Utilize tools like calendars, planners, or apps to track and manage time efficiently. Embrace the concept of “time blocking,” dedicating specific time periods to focus on particular tasks without distractions. Regularly evaluate and adjust your schedule to optimize productivity. Moreover, learn to say no to tasks that don’t align with your goals or contribute to your priorities. Consistent practice of these strategies enhances productivity and reduces stress, ultimately leading to greater accomplishments.

3. Organise Your Thoughts

Organizing thoughts is fundamental for clear communication and effective decision-making. Start by jotting down ideas, concepts, or key points before diving into any task. Create an outline or mind map to visually connect these elements, helping to identify relationships and hierarchies among them. Categorize or group related thoughts together to form coherent sections or themes. 

Practice active listening and reflection to gather more perspectives and refine your ideas. Embrace different methods, such as bullet points, lists, or diagrams, to structure and organize thoughts in a way that suits your thinking process. Prioritize these organized thoughts based on relevance or importance to enhance their impact. Regularly revisiting and refining this organization aids in clarity and helps in articulating ideas more effectively in various contexts.

4. Expand Vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary is pivotal for excelling in IELTS Speaking Part 2. It involves learning new words, phrases, and expressions to articulate your thoughts more precisely and vividly. Enhancing vocabulary isn’t just about memorization; it’s about understanding word usage in different contexts. Explore various sources like books, articles, movies, and podcasts to encounter new terms.

 Practice using synonyms, idioms, and collocations to add depth and nuance to your speech. Engage in vocabulary-building exercises such as word games or flashcards to reinforce retention. Additionally, pay attention to word families and root words to grasp related vocabulary more easily. A diverse vocabulary not only showcases your language proficiency but also allows for more nuanced and varied expressions, significantly elevating the quality of your speech during the IELTS test.

5. Practise Speaking Aloud

Practicing speaking aloud is pivotal for honing communication skills. Start by selecting a topic or material you’re comfortable with, then articulate your thoughts on it. Focus on clarity, pronunciation, and pacing while speaking. Engage in conversations with peers, friends, or even alone in front of a mirror to build confidence. Record yourself speaking and listen back to identify areas for improvement. 

Embrace opportunities to speak in public or join discussion groups to refine fluency and spontaneity. Utilize resources like podcasts, audiobooks, or language-learning apps that encourage speaking exercises. Regular practice not only enhances verbal proficiency but also boosts confidence and reduces hesitation. Remember, consistent practice is key to refining pronunciation, intonation, and overall communication skills.

6. Record and Review

Recording and reviewing activities serve as powerful tools for improvement in various fields. Whether it’s practicing a speech, rehearsing a presentation, or engaging in a language exercise, recording yourself allows for objective self-assessment. It offers a chance to observe nuances, identify strengths, and pinpoint areas needing enhancement. When reviewing, focus on aspects like clarity, tone, body language, or language proficiency. Note areas for improvement and set specific goals for enhancement. 

Repeated recording and reviewing sessions track progress over time, enabling you to measure growth and adjust strategies accordingly. Moreover, soliciting feedback from peers or mentors adds valuable perspectives. Embracing this practice cultivates self-awareness, refines skills, and accelerates personal and professional development.

7. Stay Calm and Confident

Staying calm and confident is a cornerstone of navigating challenges effectively. It involves acknowledging emotions while maintaining a composed demeanor. Cultivate self-assurance by focusing on past successes and strengths when faced with uncertainty. Embrace mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or visualization to center yourself in stressful situations. Clear, positive self-talk reinforces confidence and diminishes anxiety. Preparation and practice also bolster confidence—be it for a presentation, interview, or any daunting task. 

Adopt a problem-solving mindset, breaking down challenges into manageable steps. Remember, maintaining composure allows for clearer thinking and better decision-making. Embracing setbacks as learning opportunities further strengthens resilience. Cultivating this balance between composure and self-belief not only enhances performance but also promotes a more resilient and adaptable mindset in various aspects of life.

8. Develop Structure for Speech

Creating a structured speech is essential for effective communication. Start by outlining key points or ideas you want to convey, arranging them logically to ensure a coherent flow. Begin with a compelling introduction to grab attention, followed by a clear thesis statement or main idea. Organize the body of the speech into distinct sections, each addressing a specific point or supporting argument. 

Use transitions to smoothly connect these sections, maintaining the audience’s engagement. Incorporate relevant examples, anecdotes, or evidence to strengthen your points. Conclude by summarizing key takeaways and leaving a lasting impression. Practice delivering the speech aloud to refine timing, pacing, and clarity. A well-structured speech not only enhances understanding but also captivates and resonates with the audience, leaving a lasting impact.

9. Engage in Regular Speaking Practice

Regular speaking practice is the cornerstone of mastering any language or communication skill. Consistent engagement sharpens fluency, pronunciation, and overall confidence. Start by setting aside dedicated time for speaking exercises—whether conversing with native speakers, joining language exchange groups, or using language-learning apps with speaking features. 

Embrace varied topics and contexts to expand vocabulary and adaptability. Don’t shy away from making mistakes; they’re stepping stones toward improvement. Record yourself speaking to track progress and identify areas for enhancement. Additionally, reading aloud, summarizing articles, or even narrating daily activities contribute to habitual practice. The more frequently you engage in speaking activities, the more natural and effortless your communication becomes. Regular practice not only accelerates language acquisition but also boosts confidence in expressing ideas fluently and coherently.

Evaluation Criteria for IELTS Speaking Task 2

Here are some points on the evaluation criteria for IELTS Speaking Task 2:

  • Fluency and Coherence: The first criterion assesses your ability to speak fluently and coherently. This means you should aim to speak smoothly, without hesitations or long pauses, while also organizing your ideas logically and connecting them effectively.
  • Lexical Resource: The second criterion evaluates your vocabulary usage and range. It is important to demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary and use words accurately and appropriately to express yourself clearly and effectively.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The third criterion focuses on your grammatical knowledge and accuracy. You should aim to use a variety of grammatical structures correctly, showcasing your understanding of English grammar and your ability to construct grammatically accurate sentences.
  • Pronunciation: The fourth criterion assesses your pronunciation and intelligibility. It is important to articulate sounds clearly, use correct stress and intonation patterns, and maintain a natural rhythm in your speech to ensure that you can be easily understood by the examiner.
  • Overall Coherence and Cohesion: The fifth criterion evaluates the overall coherence and cohesion of your speech. This includes how well you organize your ideas, use linking words and phrases to connect them, and maintain a clear and logical flow throughout your response.

These are the key evaluation criteria for IELTS Speaking Task 2, and understanding and practicing these aspects will help you perform well in the test. Remember to focus on all these areas during your preparation and practice to improve your performance.

Common Topics in IELTS Speaking Part 2

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 2 requires test takers to speak on a given topic for two minutes. The topics in this part can vary widely, but they generally fall into the following categories:

  • People: This category includes topics related to individuals, such as describing a family member, a friend, a famous person, or a person who has influenced you.
  • Places:Topics in this category involve describing a place, such as a city, a country, a historical site, a park, or a favorite holiday destination
  • Events: This category covers topics related to events, such as describing a wedding, a festival, a celebration, a memorable experience, or a concert you attended.
  • Activities: Topics in this category involve describing activities or hobbies, such as a sport you enjoy, a musical instrument you play, a book you have read, or a film you have watched.
  • Things: This category includes topics related to objects or things, such as describing a favorite possession, a piece of technology, a gift you received, or an item of clothing you like.

Remember, the topics in IELTS Speaking Part 2 are also the basis for Part 3 of the Speaking test. However, in Part 3, the format is more conversational, and you give shorter responses rather than a long solo speech.

Also Read: How To Improve Sentence Formation In IELTS

Tips For Improving Test Performance in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Here are some tips for improving test performance in IELTS speaking part 2:

Tip 1: Understand The Task Requirements

To improve your test performance in IELTS Speaking Part 2, it’s important to understand the task requirements. Take the time to carefully read and analyze the topic given to you. Identify the key points that need to be addressed in your response. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you provide relevant and well-structured answers.

Tip 2: Practise Timing Yourself

Timing is crucial in IELTS Speaking Part 2. To improve your performance, practice timing yourself during your preparation. Set a timer for two minutes and try to speak continuously on a given topic. This will help you develop the ability to think quickly and organize your thoughts within the allocated time. Remember to use simple words and avoid unnecessary pauses.

Tip 3: Use Cohesive Devices

Cohesive devices, such as linking words and phrases, are essential for improving your test performance. These simple words and phrases help connect your ideas, making your response more coherent and easy to follow. Examples of cohesive devices include “firstly,” “in addition,” “however,” and “finally.” Incorporating these in your speech will enhance your fluency and showcase your ability to communicate effectively.

Tip 4: Expand Your Vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary is crucial for achieving a higher score in IELTS Speaking Part 2. Use simple words and phrases to describe people, places, objects, or events. Practice using synonyms and adjectives to add depth and detail to your responses. The more varied and precise your vocabulary, the more impressive your speech will be to the examiner.

Tip 5: Focus On Pronunciation And Intonation

Pronunciation and intonation play a significant role in IELTS Speaking Part 2. Pay attention to your pronunciation of simple words and practice speaking them clearly. Work on your intonation to convey meaning effectively and sound natural. Remember to stress key words and use appropriate rising and falling tones to highlight important information.

Tip 6: Use Examples And Personal Experiences

To make your responses more engaging and authentic, incorporate examples and personal experiences into your speech. Use simple words to describe specific situations or instances that support your points. This will demonstrate your ability to provide relevant and specific details, making your response more memorable and impressive.

Tip 7: Be Confident And Maintain A Positive Mindset

Lastly, to improve your test performance in IELTS Speaking Part 2, it’s crucial to be confident and maintain a positive mindset. Believe in your abilities and trust your preparation. Avoid worrying about making mistakes or being perfect. Instead, focus on expressing your thoughts clearly and effectively. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your language skills and let your confidence shine through.

Also Read : How To Start Preparing For IELTS At Home


As we wrap up, remember: IELTS Speaking Part 2 is your chance to shine. Practice, understand the criteria, and embrace diverse topics to excel. Your fluency, vocabulary, and confidence matter. By implementing our tips, organising thoughts, and engaging in regular speaking practice, you’ll enhance your performance.

Stay tuned for more detailed steps on preparing for IELTS Speaking Part 2. Embrace the opportunity this section offers to showcase your language skills. With dedication and practice, you’ll ace this segment, presenting yourself with clarity and confidence. Prepare, practice, and approach Speaking Part 2 with poise—it’s your platform to shine on the IELTS test!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can I get 8.5 in IELTS speaking?

Achieving an 8.5 in IELTS speaking requires consistent practice. Focus on fluency, vocabulary diversity, grammar accuracy, and pronunciation. Develop a structured approach to answer questions, express opinions coherently, and engage in discussions with clarity, confidence, and depth.

Q2. What happens if I don’t speak for 2 minutes in IELTS?

If you don’t speak for the entire 2 minutes in IELTS speaking Part 2, it might impact your score negatively. Utilize the full time allotted to demonstrate your language skills. Try to maintain a continuous flow of speech, even if you’re restructuring thoughts or ideas. Aim for coherence and relevance throughout.


  • Stella Smith

    Meet Stella Smith, a passionate wordsmith with a knack for unraveling the intricacies of everyday life through her captivating blogs. With an insatiable curiosity and a keen eye for detail, Stella delves into everything from lifestyle trends to societal issues, weaving narratives that resonate with readers far and wide. Her unique perspective and engaging writing style invite readers to explore the world alongside her, fostering a sense of connection and understanding in every post. Join Stella on her journey of discovery, where every word is an invitation to see the world through a new lens.

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